
Glimpses Of God Topics

The Bible is filled with Glimpses of God: God as the ultimate creator; God speaking directly to man; God speaking through prophets; God speaking through angels; God sending His Son to live among us as one of us; Jesus leaving disciples to spread His message of love: Love God and love one another!

In the Beginning

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,” Genesis begins.


Some 400 years after the flood, God chose Abraham to establish a new connection — a new link — to Him,  a link built on faith, and sealed by covenant.


Moses, the son of Amram and Jochebed, both descendants of Abraham’s son Levi, was born under a sentence of death. Determined to save her newborn son, Jochebed made an ark-like basket, put him in it, and placed him among the reeds that grew along the brink of the river. She sent Moses’ sister Miriam to watch over him.

The Judges

After 40 years of wandering, the children of Israel were at the edge of the promised land of Canaan. Moses, who had served as judge, had died. Joshua was now leader, commander, and judge.

The Kings

When the children of Israel demanded a king, they set in motion a destiny that would exile them from their “Promised Land,” and scatter them throughout foreign nations. The nation of Israel — blessed by the One God — would succumb to seduction by “other gods.”

The Prophets

The Old Testament is filled with the acts and prophecies of God’s prophets.

The Son

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.


Timeline: History of the World

Timeline: Life of Jesus

Timeline of the Bible

History of English Bible

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